Category: Research Data Management
If you missed our recent workshop, Introducing SANDY Research Data Repository, there is an additional resource available online to assist you. Please visit Depositing Research Data with SANDY, NU’s Data Repository for information.
Whose Data Is It, Anyway?
We are wrapping up our Love Data Week activities at UNL Libraries. If you missed our workshops, Data Management for (Digital) Humanities and Introducing SANDY Research Data Repository, get in touch. We will offer them again or can deliver them…
Happy New Year to Us All!
The data curation team at UNL Libraries is excited to be starting out the new year with SANDY, our new research data repository platform. SANDY’s full name is Stewarding Nebraska Data. We call it SANDY because it reminds us of…
The UNL Data Repository and Its “Treasures”
The UNL Data Repository (UNLDR) launched in 2010, curating, preserving, and making public the research data collections of NU researchers. These data are available for anyone’s exploration, support the results and conclusions presented in publications, and may be reused in…
Indigenous Data Governance and the FAIR Principles
April is the perfect time to visit southern Arizona and the giant cactuses in Saguaro National Park. But I didn’t make my plans to attend the inaugural US Indigenous Data Sovereignty & Governance Summit in Tucson in time, and instead…
International Open Data Week 2024 (March 2-8)
In February, we celebrated Love Data Week. This month, the international data community is encouraged to celebrate an Open Data Day during the first full week of March. The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN; leads this effort annually. What happens…
Love Data Week, now with a Prequel: Love Methods Week
Research Partnerships wishes you the best this Love Data Week, February 12-16! We love data every day of the year, but to celebrate International Love Data Week, we are offering some workshops to help people from every discipline show their…